Friday, March 30, 2012

Away with the Two Party System

The United States' two party system has become a distraction to the American people. People are too concerned about which party they connect themselves with. Most individuals that sit down and really contemplate all the issues find that they are actually somewhere between being conservative or liberal; what's classified as a 'moderate'. I feel that the nominees running in this presidential campaign are merely puppets that do as they are told to win votes. Once a Republican is determined, he will be 'supported' by the republican party and they will do and say anything to win the most votes as possible. All except Ron Paul has changed their platform to please the voters. He is the only one that has not budged on his views and how he wants government to perform. There are many others like Paul, but they will not receive the attention they deserve because the big two parties control politics. The only way Paul was able to receive the public recognition that he has, was because he ran as a 'Republican'. I just do not understand the party system. I do not understand how a man with completely different ideas can be 'a part of the same party' with these other guys running for the republican party. I believe that citizens should not choose a party to win an election, but instead elect the person that has the potential to change this nation into something great. We should do away with the two party system. I have hope that if Ron Paul is elected it could spark the beginning of what the U.S. should be.

"It serves to distract the Public Councils, and enfeeble the Public Administration....agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one....against opens the door to foreign influence and corruption...thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."
                                                              - President George Washington

Friday, March 9, 2012

Open Carry Makes You As Dangerous as John Wilkes Booth, Tim McVeigh, Sharon Angle, and Ted Nugent?

 Sasparilla at posted
on March 9, 2012.

In the blog Sasparilla is responding to an Anti firearm advocate that wrote last week that those who openly carry firearms make a political statement just like John Wilkes Booth, Timothy McVey, Sharon Angle, and Ted Nugent. He explains that this is an absurd concept, and that it is attitudes like this that send people fleeing to their local gun shops in fear that tomorrow the government will try to take away their constitutional rights. I agree with the author that citizens should not be stripped of their right to carry a firearm around with the proper license.